Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For the Weekend

This Friday I direct you to some interesting reading around the blogosphere.

Before I do that, I also want to tell you that I’ll be on vacation for the next two weeks without much access to the internet. If you’re new to RealDelia, feel free to poke around some of my archives and most popular posts (listed on the right hand sidebar). If you’re an old timer, kick back and have a beer…I’ll be back before you know it.

Hope everyone’s having a great summer. Here are some things that I hope will make you enjoy it even more:

1. I liked this thoughtful, big think piece on “Whither the Left?” in The Guardian earlier this week. It basically asks the question: Why aren’t Left-leaning political parties having greater impact during a historical moment that’s been handed to them on a silver platter? Read on for some ideas on that…

2. As a new and avid user of Twitter, I was quite taken with this first-person account in Salon by Laurel Snyder of what it’s like to be addicted to Twitter.

3. Here’s a clever idea. The National Post’s contributors weighed in on the best books to read at 4, at 14, at 40 and late in life. Really great suggestions!

4. And speaking of clever ideas, I really liked this sample of video book trailers over at Madam Mayo. If, as and when I ever get my book published, I’d love to design one of these.

5. Finally, and in the category “Hey, why not?” have a look at Awkward Family Photos. You will not be disappointed.

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