Cherry On Top Award

Erin over at Cross’ The Pond sent me the Cherry on Top Award – for which I am truly grateful and deeply flattered.

There are rules, of course. I must pass it along to six other bloggers and they too must follow the rules. Here they are:

Answer this question:
If you had the chance to go back and change one thing in your life, would you, and what would it be?
Thank the person who gave you this award.

PICK 6 people/blogs and give them this award. You then have to inform the person that they have received this award.

There are many things I’d change, of course. But the one major thing I’d do differently would be to counsel my younger self not to think that I needed to have it all figured out by the time I was 25. When I was young, I put so much pressure on myself to know what I “wanted” out of life – especially professionally. I didn’t feel like there was time to wander or to test things out. I thought that I needed to know and so I made decisions – important ones – because I felt like the most important thing was to decide. That proved to be so wrong and while we all learn from our mistakes, I now see that if I’d just loosened up and let myself breathe a bit more, I could have gotten to a happy place professionally much sooner. Of course, then perhaps I wouldn’t have this blog – which is all about that journey – or maybe I’d have it but it would be called something like “Finding yourself in adulthood…at 25!” Ha!
So thank you for nominating me, Erin.
And here are my six folks:

LPC at Privilege: A High Wasp Stops To Consider

Katy at The Book Snob

Ms. Bougie at Another Bourgeois Dilemma

Jen at Jenography

Susanna at A Modern Mother

Patricia at Patricia’s Wisdom

Please stop by and visit these folks’ blogs. They are all fab!

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