Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

On Occasional Fridays, I point you towards some recommended reading around the blogosphere:

1. First, a superb account of teenagers and depression by Tracy Thompson at The Broad Side.

2. Here’s a really inspiring explanation for why teaching is worth it from the Opinionator blog at the New York Times.

3. Equally inspiring is A.S. Jacob’s keynote address at the American Society of Journalist and Authors this year. Somehow he manages to be both funny and profound. (Hat tip: Practicing Writing)

4. Help! I resemble Sylvia Plath! Take a look at how famous authors outline their work over at Flavorwire.

5. And speaking of writing, if you need to take a break and just laugh, check out Nicola Morgan’s suggestions at her Heartsong blog. (Whatever you do, click on the goats…)

6. Via the amazing Lisa Belkin, all married or long-partnered folk will want to check out Johanna Stein’s Let’s Make Parental Love video.

7. Finally, where would any of us be without The Oatmeal? Check out his ideal vision of a movie theatre.


Have a great weekend folks!



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