Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

On Friday, I point you towards some recommended reading around the blogosphere:


1. Via The Happiness Project, check out City of Words DC, which tracks quotations around Washington, DC.

2. Who knew? Monopoly was once a socialist utopia. Shhhh….don’t tell.

3. Over at A Design So Vast, Lindsey encourages us to embrace the darkness of winter. This is my new mantra. For everything.

4. If you happen to be a Prince fan, watch this entire clip. If not, speed ahead to the last 3-4 minutes and watch how the artist turns the table on the interviewer and – in the most natural way possible – utterly disarms her. (Hat tip: My husband)

5. This poignant post over at Big Little Wolf’s Daily Plate of Crazy about a letter from a love gone by really struck a chord.

6. Finally, where would any of us be without The Oatmeal? Here the comic genius muses about what it’s like to be a creative of any sort: writer/blogger/artist/you name it. Love, love, love.


Have a great weekend!

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