Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

On occasional Fridays, I point you towards some recommended reading around the blogosphere:

1. Wherever you fall on the abortion debate, New York Magazine’s accounts by 26 women who’ve had abortions is heartbreaking and harrowing.

2. Equally compelling is one woman’s story about what it’s really like to be poor over on Alternet. Best thing I’ve read in ages. (Hat tip: Communicatrix)

3. On a lighter note, The Atlantic has given us a glimpse of what Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address would look like in Powerpoint.

4. Of the many tributes to Nobel Prize-winning short story writer Alice Munro, I really enjoyed Kristen’s “mother-writer” take over on Motherese.

5. In case you’re on the market, Why Dev offers 52 reasons to date an aid worker.

6. When the OED recently added “selfie” to its list of words, BBC Persia compiled this wonderful composite of selfies from around the region.

7. The Guardian once again outdoes itself with this photo shoot on the world’s oddest jobs – in pictures.

8. And finally, just in case you’re wondering, here’s a glossary of old disease names that are no longer in use. Personally? I think I suffer from abasia.

Have a great weekend folks!

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