Looking for reading recommendations for 2023? As many of you know, I write a monthly newletter called Good Reads for Grownups. In it, I highlight articles, books, podcasts and films I’ve enjoyed over the past month. I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback over the past few years from friends and strangers alike. And naturally, I encourage you to subscribe too!
My newsletter a labor of love. I look forward to putting it together every month and sharing my suggestions.
So I was thrilled when journalist and podcaster Jill Martin Wrenn invited me to talk about my newsletter on her wonderful podcast, How to Build a Village. We cover a lot of ground in this short, 15-minute interview, including how I source my content, how my reading informs my writing, and what some of my top picks are for 2023.
Have a listen! I hope you enjoy my reading recommendations for 2023. And have a wonderful holiday season!
Image: Photo by Blaz Photo on Unsplash