Blog—Finding Yourself in Adulthood

This blog is devoted to the idea that adulthood is not a destination. Growing up, I always thought adulthood was the final frontier—a place you arrived and suddenly everything made sense:  you knew what you wanted to do with your life, you knew what advice to give your kids, you knew which shoes looked right with that jacket. Turns out, it doesn’t work that way. Sure, you make progress and have those “Aha!” moments every so often. But growing up is all very incremental and you never really arrive anywhere. And that’s the point.

This blog is about what happens when you “find yourself in adulthood,” and some lessons I’ve learned along the way. I hope that it enlightens, inspires, and resonates. But most of all, I really do hope that you laugh.


DIY Healthcare: Why Socialized Medicine Is For Grown Ups
On Thursday I posted about how I'm learning to master differences in vocabulary across the...
Friday Pix: Some Fun Things to Read Over the Weekend
Today, I'd like to direct you to a few things around the blogosphere worth having...
Lost in Translation: Trouser Tenting, Anyone?
I think we can all agree that the Queen's English is the English of grown...
A woman sitting on top of a rocky outcrop with her back to the camera and sun streaming across the landscape
Tips for Adulthood: Five Reasons To See a Life Coach
Every Wednesday I offer tips for adulthood. Today's post concerns one of my favorite topics,...
Beam Me Up, Scotty: Are Sequels an Escape from Adulthood?
In case you haven't heard, the summer movie season has officially begun. Two weeks ago...
An old photo album on a table covered in boxes of photos
Revealed Preferences: Why You (Really) Don’t Have Photo Albums
Judith Warner had a nice post the other day on her blog, Domestic Disturbances. The...