
Writing Habits - photo of someone typing on a laptop
Developing Good Writing Habits
Very few writing books are devoted entirely to the other, equally important part of the...
Things to do before I die list
Tips for Adulthood: Use January To Tackle Your Backlist
Editor's Note: I initially ran this post last year.  As I once again find myself...
Tips for Adulthood: Five Things I Learned From Keeping Track of My Time
On occasional Wednesdays, I offer tips for adulthood. Like many of us, I wake up...
Dear Americans: Don’t Work At Home; Work Less
I have no doubt that as I write this column, someone, somewhere in America, is...
Sabbath Saturday: Five Things I Gained From Taking Saturdays Off
A month ago, I committed myself to testing out a new personal resolution: I would...
Celebrating the Sabbath: Making Saturdays *Me* Time
I have an announcement to make:  I'm going to start celebrating the Sabbath. No, I'm...