
A woman doing yoga by water at sunset
Why I Love Yoga
I got a compliment the other day that still has my head spinning. It wasn't...
Tips For Adulthood: Five Ways To Stay Fit
Every Wednesday I offer tips for adulthood. This week's list is inspired - yet again...
Tips For Adulthood: Five Reasons To Confront Pain
Every Wednesday I offer tips for adulthood. I went to see a neurologist last week....
Sabbath Saturday: Five Things I Gained From Taking Saturdays Off
A month ago, I committed myself to testing out a new personal resolution: I would...
Celebrating the Sabbath: Making Saturdays *Me* Time
I have an announcement to make:  I'm going to start celebrating the Sabbath. No, I'm...
Alumni Magazines: Why Do We Read Them?
Hi, there. Yes, it's me. I'm  back from my self-imposed vacation. Not nearly as relaxing...