Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

Every Friday I point you to some worthwhile reading around the blogosphere:

1. Here’s a really interesting article in the Wall Street Journal about why the “aging” of scientific research grants may impede creativity.

2. And while we’re on the topic of aging – according to the Los Angeles Times – the Tea Partiers are just a bunch of baby boomers longing for the 60s. Who knew?

3. I absolutely adored this homage to The New Yorker over on A Boat Against The Current. Who amongst us didn’t dream of the day the New Yorker would call? (Who am I kidding? Who amongst us *still* doesn’t dream…)

4. I’m now a regular over at Roger Ebert’s Journal on the SunTimes. Here’s a recent post he did on a visit to London (with many ref’s to my very own ‘hood.) It’s about writing…and walking…and, well, writing and walking. Fabulous.

5. If you’re into libraries, have a look at this article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer about Joyce Carol Oates’ abiding love of libraries. While you’re at it, here’s an interview in Salon with Marilyn Johnson, the author of a new book on librarians entitled This Book Is Overdue! How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All.

6. Finally, a dispatch from Fast Company on why it’s actually more productive to nap. Hallelujah!

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  • Reply Clara

    March 1, 2010, 2:35 am

    RE: The abortion request by the cancer patient.

    I am a Catholic and disapprove of therapeutic abortions but in cases such as this, I would not opposed to it. It is inhumane. This woman could not only be helped and relieved, and even though the chemo is toxic, miracles can happen, and if it is God’s wishes, her child can be born to be the one that helps find a cure for cancer in the future.

  • Reply kris

    March 1, 2010, 5:09 am

    Dear Delia,
    I as a woman and a mother am disappointed that you feel that the woman who has cancer, which most likely has metasized, feel that killing her baby is the better option. Have you ever heard of natural pathetic medicine? It could serve as an alternative to the poisons of chemo and allow her baby to grow, and hopefully they would both survive. Regardless, there are two lives at risk, and taking the babies life isn’t the answer. I would encourage you to check out Silent No More and listen to the women who have undergone abortions and see what they have to say. It isn’t a woman’s right issue, it is an issue of human life for both the mother and her unborn BABY! I will pray that you will be able to see that two lives are at stake and abortion should not be the alternative!

    • Reply delialloyd

      March 1, 2010, 9:21 am

      Kris. I appreciate that we disagree on this one profoundly and really appreciate your respectful tone, which is quite different than some of the mail I’ve received about that post. Thank you for disagreeing with me thoughtfully and politely, but with conviction.

  • Reply Patricia

    March 1, 2010, 9:20 pm

    Only got to a couple articles – the sun is shining I need to be outside for some Vit. D….I have a new Librarian looking for work in my household…and I am working on a book review about what some pre-baby boomers did to find success after they turned 60…pretty amazing stuff. Will post that March 18th Aging is on a lot of minds these days.
    I am celebrating my 300th post by giving away a healthy, earth healing cookbook on my blog…fun to explore book looking to reach younger men and women -but very well done and worthy of note

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