Welcome to RealDelia Communications
I’m Delia Lloyd. On this website, you can find out all about work as a consultant, and how I help people to write, speak and lead more effectively. You can also read some of my writing, including my blog RealDelia, as well as numerous articles and essays I’ve published over the years.
About Delia Lloyd
Delia Lloyd is an American communications consultant and writer based in London. A social scientist by training and a journalist by trade, she brings together an unusual mix of rigorous, analytic thinking with an authentic, accessible voice. When Delia’s not helping others to communicate their ideas more effectively, you can usually find her writing about how to live a meaningful and productive second half of life.
Find out more
Subscribe to Delia Lloyd’s monthly newsletter, Good Reads for Grownups, with must-read recommendations that will leave you dazzled. Think of it as ‘mature content’ of an entirely different sort. You can also subscribe to Delia’s blog, where she explores the eternal journey of adulthood.