Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

Every Friday I point you to some recommended reading around the blogosphere:

1. Further to my earlier discussion of renting vs. buying a home, here’s a very sober account of the whole American home owning dream by Matt Bai in The New York Times.

2. And further to my ongoing obsession with libraries, here’s a piece from Salon on the death of the library book.

3. Writers will love this mock set of submission guidelines from The Rumpus (via Erika at the Practicing Writing blog.)

4. And while all you under-employed writers are at it, have a look at some of the day jobs held by famous writers over at Lapham’s Quarterly. (Hat Tip: @lizzieskurnick.)

5. In department of funny, enjoy the latest installment from Stuff White People Like on “picking their own fruit.”

6. Finally, from the indefatigable Kim and Jason on the Escape Adulthood blog, here are 20 signs that you are living life to the fullest.

Have a great weekend.

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