
Re-Reading books. Image of person reading a book along with their finger.
Tips For Adulthood: Five Books That Are Worth Re-Reading
Further to an earlier post about the pleasures of re-reading as an adult, I thought...
Guilty Pleasures of Adulthood: The Joys of Re-Reading
OK, admit it. You probably didn't think I was going to end that sentence with...
A digital clapper board on a film set
DVD Commentaries: Why I Actually Loved "Love Actually"
I have a confession to make:  I love watching DVD commentaries. I know. Sometimes they...
Beam Me Up, Scotty: Are Sequels an Escape from Adulthood?
In case you haven't heard, the summer movie season has officially begun. Two weeks ago...
Smiles, Everyone! Smiles!: What Makes for a Happy Marriage?
The last few days have unleashed a torrent of reactions  to Elizabeth Edwards' decision to...
The IRA in Adulthood: Do Political Movements Grow Up?
I'm a sucker for movies about politics. Reds, Julia, and All the President's Men count...