Slash careers

A pair of spectacles on a notepad to accompany Delia Lloyd's article on managing your workload.
Managing Your Workload: Take a Self-Imposed Vacation
I'm taking a vacation this week. Well, actually I'll be right here in my home....
Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend
This Friday I point you to some recommended reading around the blogosphere: 1. As a...
Slash Careers Within Writing: My New Stint at Politics Daily
As I've said several times before on this blog, I'm a big fan of slash...
Freelancing in a Recession: Can you Slash Your Way Out of It?
I got an email from a friend of a friend the other day asking me...
Free Pimms and iPod Chairs: Why I Really Joined the PTA
Last Wednesday I found myself in an upscale, Italian furniture store called Natuzzi (pronounced, in...