Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

Every Friday I refer you to some recommended reading around the blogosphere. This week, lots to laugh about:

1. Ok, I’ve now heard two women in one week defend why women of all ages should be wearing thongs. Here’s Heather Cori’s take over on Literary Mama. Could *totally* relate…

2. Via my favorite book critic, Katy Keim, I came across this very amusing description by Stephen Elliot in The New York Times of the DIY book tour.

3. I also loved this send-up by Eliezer Sobel in The Huffington Post about how hard it is to find a good shrink.

4. As someone eternally fascinated by how writers structure their days, I really liked this article in the Wall Street Journal about Joyce Carol Oates, who – after 50 years of writing – is still going strong. (Hat tip: another amazing new blog I’ve happened upon, Kristen Bair O’Keeffe: My Beautiful, Far-flung Life, which talks about O’Keeffe’s life teaching, writing and parenting in Shanghai.)

5. For those of you interested in understanding the relationship side of adulthood, I recommend Hannah Seligson’s take in The Daily Beast on why people under 40 are waiting longer to get married, based on her new book A Little Bit Married: How to Know When It’s Time To Walk Down the Aisle or Out The Door.

6. Finally, however you feel about the outcome of Tuesday’s special election in Massachusetts, here’s an absolutely hysterical rendering of it by Brian McGrory in The Boston Globe.

Oh yes. And please do follow me on Twitter.

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  • Reply daryl boylan

    January 24, 2010, 12:43 am

    re Mass. election: God help us. (I know, I know, he won’t.)

  • Reply Cheryl

    January 25, 2010, 4:15 pm

    re thongs: can’t wear them – too uncomfortable and annoying – does anyone actually get used to wearing them and not notice them irritating you all the time? Is there some sort of magical time frame (sort of like new shoes that are a little tight but you know they will stretch!) that you need to endure before they become comfortable?

  • Reply Patricia

    January 26, 2010, 12:51 am

    Thanks I needed some good connections this week and some laughter – I am still very worried about the US Supreme Court decision last week to make corporations people – I can not find any humor at all in that…

    I am posting tonight a book review that I think everyone woman should read…Female Brain gone Insane by Mia Lundin – an emergency guide….better than thongs for relief!

  • Reply delialloyd

    January 26, 2010, 11:20 am

    yes, so am I. thanks for the book rec!

  • Reply heather cori

    February 1, 2010, 2:28 am

    Thanks for the nod towards my thong writing. It makes me happy to know that it brought laugher–we need truckloads of that. Another fabulous woman got connected to my work through yours and commented on LM “Feel like I’ve found a treasure chest” which was exactly the thing I needed to hear today to face the blank page. I’ll be back–keep writing.

  • Reply Daniela Kulakowski

    February 20, 2010, 12:57 pm

    Hi, please could you let me know how to integrate your news in my rss reader, i can´t find here the orange rss symbol…

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