Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

Every Friday I point you towards some recommended reading for the weekend:

1. As someone who writes for an Online magazine, I really enjoyed Gene Weingarten’s thoughtful (and amusing) take in the Washington Post on the challenges facing old-school journalists as they struggle to adapt to the *new* journalism.

2. I also laughed out loud at this interview with Stephen Colbert in the Online literary journal, Wag’s Revue. (While you’re there, be sure and look at Wag’s “about page.”)

3. What’s in a title? This post on what makes for a good novel title by Kristin Bair O’Keeffe really got me thinking.

4. Speaking of good titles, an excerpt of Stephanie Dolgoff’s soon-to-be released memoir My Formerly Hot Life: Dispatches From Just The Other Side of Young is included in the current issue of Self magazine.

5. All writers will deeply appreciate this post on Novelists, Inc. about the top 10 things not to say to a writer. (Hat tip: Sarah Fain Has Starfish Envy.)

6. Finally, in the Department of “Just for fun,” try your hand at this fabulous website – Ultimate Flash Face – which lets you build your own Wanted poster. My nine year-old had a field day. (Hat tip: Very Short List.)

And, as always, be sure to follow me on Twitter, where I link to great things in the blogosphere all week long!

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