Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

Every Friday I point you towards some recommended reading around the blogosphere:

1. Where would we all be without The Onion? Here’s a marvellous send-up of anti-Obama fervor entitled 1 in 5 Americans Believe Obama is a Cactus.

2. And speaking of polls, I really enjoyed Clever Title TK’s twin lists of 10 of her Favorite Things along with 10 things she doesn’t like so much. (Totally down with you on the lemon desserts, sister. In fact, I think we should extend it to all fruit-based desserts.)

3. Madam Mayo linked to this incredible video of what San Francisco looked like in 1905 right before the earthquake. Wow!

4. In honor of the Jewish holiday, Sukkot, check out the 12 winners in the 2010 Sukkah City contest in New York City. Absolutely mind-blowingly amazing.

5. One of my first big breaks as a blogger was when I was featured on Barbara Swafford’s Blogging Without A Blog in her blog registry. Barbara brought me many new readers and since then has served as a constant and useful blogging tutor. If you’re new to blogging – or want to tool up on what’s going on in the trade – Barbara is a great teacher.

Have a great weekend!

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