Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

Every Friday I point you towards some recommended reading around the blogosphere:

1. Here’s a funny and eerily prescient take on the Osama Bin Laden blooper reel (as foreshadowed in an episode of Family Guy) over on Mediaite.

2. And speaking of Bin Laden, check out this hilarious rendering of Osama Bin Laden’s diaries in The Guardian. Love the Arsenal reference – brilliant!

3. I absolutely love The Browser’s Five Books series. Here’s Danny Dorling naming 5 books you need to read in order to understand modern Britain. Check out both the range of his choices and his explanations.

4. I was fascinated by this discussion in the Financial Times of “liveable vs. loveable” cities.

5. If you feel like you’re stuck in a creative rut and just keep churning out mediocrity, let Ira Glass tell you how he flailed for years before figuring out how to make good radio. Truly inspiring. (Hat tip: Communicatrix)

6. This is fun. Plug in your name and learn what you’d be called on Public Radio. I’m Alfreda Rossi-Borisov. You?

7. This item made my week, if not my month. (Or as my daughter would say, “It made my life.”) It’s a children’s book called Go The F%*k to Sleep. (Note: You need a Facebook account to see this.)


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