Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

Every Friday I point you towards some recommended reading around the blogosphere:


1. I love Bill Keller’s plea for Congress to start reciting poetry in The New York Times Magazine. (Hat tip: Practicing Writing)

2. And speaking of poetry, here’s what it looks like when writers experience schadenfreude. (Hat tip: Lisa Romeo Writes)

3. If, like me, you spent years of your life attending academic conferences, you’ll love this post on ASA Vegas Bingo at

4. Via Communicatrix’s ongoing 50-for-50 birthday extravaganza, I came across my new favorite blog, 37 Days by writer Patti Digh. Here’s a great post on why all we need to add pleasure to our to-do list.

5. Washington, DC natives will adore this DC stereotype map.

6. Finally, it’s about time that someone thought of this. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the male corset.


Have a great weekend!

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