Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

Every Friday I point you towards some recommended reading for the weekend:

1. I have always admired Steve Levitt (of Freakonomics fame) for his contributions to our understanding of economics. But I admire him all the more for this brave and deeply personal video about adopting his daughter from China.

2. And speaking of bravery and admiration, I’m so incredibly proud of Colleen Wainwright for hitting  – and surpassing – her goal of raising $50,000 for the WriteGirl non-profit  in Los Angeles by her 50th birthday. Here’s Colleen’s own video about this amazing journey, recorded on Day 50.

3. Also not to be missed is the plug for Colleen’s project in the Dear Sugar advice column over at The Rumpus.

4. I absolutely cannot wait to see the film version of the UK best-seller, We Need to Talk About Kevin. The wonderful Roger Ebert interviewed the equally wonderful Tilda Swinton about her role in this dark work of art at the Toronto film festival.

5. OK, so after all that, you’re probably weeping now. To cheer you up I give you Voice Recognition in a Scottish elevator. For all those who’ve ever been on the wrong end of a customer service call with a Scot, eat your heart out.

6. I’ve written before here about my fondness for David Sedaris. Here’s an essay he wrote about eating Chinese food (in China), which he read aloud the night I went to see him and is reprinted in The Guardian. I can assure you that it will put you off Chinese food for a good, long time.


Have a great weekend!


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