Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

Every Friday I point you towards some recommended reading around the blogosphere:

1. People often ask me what Twitter is and how one uses it. If you’re also curious, go read Roger Ebert’s blog post,  How To Win Friends and Influence People. Everything you need to know about Twitter but were afraid to ask. Oh yes, and you *will* smile.

2. You’ll also smile when you read the ever-hilarious Michael Kinsley’s piece on why Chris Christie’s weight problem really is a problem if he decides to run for President.

3. If, like me, you don’t know what you’ll do with your life once you finally stop watching The Wire, you will love this interview with Michael K. Williams (aka Omar) on The Wikipedia Files at Chicago Public Radio.

4. Coolest thing I’ve seen all week? The BBC’s How Many Really?, a website that lets you compare the number of people involved in a major historical event with the number of people you know via things like Facebook and Twitter. (If you don’t want to link to your social media accounts, just click on the “Add Your Own Numbers” button and pick a random item like a bus or a 747.) Fascinating. (Hat tip: The Boston Globe’s Brainiac blog)

5. I absolutely adored Frank Lesser’s explanation for why we never actually see unicorns over on Slate.

6. Finally, my new favorite blog is Not One-Off Britishisms. (Tagline: UK expressions that have taken hold in the US). Oh, I could easily spend a day there…


Have a great weekend!

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