Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

Every Friday I point you towards some recommended reading around the blogosphere:

1.I was quite taken with Anne Taylor Fleming’s sharp, insightful piece in Politico about how the 2012 election is shaping up to be a debate over the female body.

2. Charles Dickens was born 200 years ago this month and London is aflutter with all things Dickens right now. Here’s the actor (and Dickens biographer) Simon Callow giving a walking tour of some of the locations in this city that were important to the famous author, over at the Guardian. Amazing.

3. And as long as we’re being British, do head over to and check out Saturday Night Live’s hilarious parody of what a superbowl ad for Downton Abbey would look like.

4. At The Chronicle of Higher Education, Kathryn Blanchard discusses post-tenure depression.

5. I got a real kick out of reading about how Slate readers would alter computer keyboards to make them more user-friendly.

6. My new favorite blog is Lists of Note, where famous – and not so famous – lists are compiled. Take a look at Roald Dahl’s (handwritten!) list of vocabulary words for Gobblefunk (from the BFG.) Wow. (Hat tip: Lisa Romeo Writes)

7. And then there’s always Rick Santorum’s Hanukkah card, which is great if you’re…um…Christian.


Have a great weekend!

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