Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

Every Friday I point you towards some recommended reading around the blogosphere:

1. If you do nothing else this weekend, listen to this fascinating account at This American Life of a recent story on China they ran which turned out not to be (entirely) true. Kudos to them for owning this.

2. Over on The Washington Post’s She The People blog, here’s a sobering reminder by Diana Reese of why the whole contraception debate raging in the U.S. isn’t all that important when you don’t have a job.

3. I loved the essay entitled Erma Bombeck: Feminist Housewife by Kristen Levithan on Literary Mama. Such an inspiration for us all.

4. I also loved Lisa Belkin’s account at The Huffington Post of her interview with author Anne Lamott and Lamott’s son, Sam. Sam became a father at 19 and has now written about the experience with his mother. Can’t wait to read it!

5. Also on The Washington Post this week were snippets from the Things I Would Have Said book project. Marvelous!

6. Finally, this is fun: a video of Lego Tower Bridge time lapse construction on Londontopia. Cool!


Have a great weekend, everybody!

  • Reply Naomi J. Williams

    March 23, 2012, 6:30 pm

    Great recommendations, as always. I do feel compelled to say that for me, the most remarkable thing about the time-lapse LEGO construction of the Tower Bridge was not the construction itself, which was certainly impressive, but the fact that for however many hours the LEGO builders spent on this project, the TV behind the project was *never* off. After a while I found myself watching the changing images on the TV rather than the somewhat more predictable next stage of the familiar bridge. Was there a sibling who refused to stop playing his video games while this amazing LEGO endeavor was going on in front of him? Or was the LEGO-builder himself not sufficiently engrossed by his undertaking that he had to have games or shows going on in the background? I found the whole thing distracting and fascinating and sort of annoying all at once.

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