Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

Every Friday I point you towards some recommended reading for the weekend:

1. Over on Wired Science, a thoughtful post on whether thinking about God enhances your self control.

2. At Der Spiegel, some fabulous photos of East Germany, past and present.

3. And speaking of nostalgia, I loved hearing about the project Dear Photo on NPR.

4. Also in the realm of nostalgia is this fabulous post on Scott Hanselman’s Computer Zen about floppy disks and 14 other “old people” icons that don’t make sense anymore.

5. Via Cassandra Daily, I came across this marvelous recruitment video at Twitter.

6. I loved the thread If You Could Be Brutally Honest With Your SO, What Would You Say?, as relayed on Ben Casnocha’s blog. (Sample comment: # If he actually showed serous interest in me, I’d leave you in a heartbeat. I’m sorry.)

7. Finally, I’m sorry but this video made my week, and you don’t even need to love Lionel Richie to appreciate it.

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