Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

On occasional Fridays, I point you towards some recommended reading around the blogosphere:

a. As an ex-political scientist, I thought that this piece in Slate on what political scientists got wrong about the 2016 election was spot on.

b. I was thrilled to learn about Arianna Huffington’s latest business endeavor, Thrive Global, a new website chock full of motivational essays, apps, training tools and more, whose tagline – “More Than Living: Thriving” – sounds just right to me. I will be contributing to Thrive as a writer but today I’m sharing a post I absolutely loved about deep reading.

c. As someone who blogs about adulthood, I’ve long been a fan of the website Full Grown People, that rare beast which dares to tackle long form personal essays online. Here’s a fantastic essay about what online dating is really like and how it doesn’t always have to be a trainwreck.

d. And for lighter fare, The Conversation UK had a great write up of the 2016 Bad Sex in Fiction Awards.

e. Finally, borrowing from my day job, this year’s winners of the World Bank’s CGAP Photography awards, depicting financial inclusion across the globe are absolutely breathtaking. Do check out the one labelled “Always with a Mother.”

Have a lovely weekend and a fantastic holiday season! See you in 2017!

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