Friday Pix: Recommended Reading For The Weekend

Fountain pen writing

Fountain pen writing

On occasional Fridays, I point you towards some recommended reading around the blogosphere:

a. By now, we’ve all seen the viral video of the academic in South Korea whose young children crash his interview with the BBC. But you may not have seen this frame-by-frame analysis of the BBC interview from The Daily Telegraph or Robert Kelly (that’s his name)’s own quite grown-up response to the whole affair.

b. As a long time fan of David Letterman, it was great to see Letterman “unplugged” in this interview with Vulture.

c. This essay by Amy Krause Rosenthal in the New York Times’ Modern Love column, in which she encourages other people to marry her husband on her deathbed, is a lovely tribute to love and marriage.

d. George Saunders’ account of the creative process that writers undergo when they write is both hilarious and spot on.

e. And speaking of writing, if you’re a grammarian – or simply (like me) a fan of the Oxford Comma, you’ll love this story. (Read it while listening to this gem…)

Have a great weekend!

Image: Fountain Pen via Wikipedia

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