Blog—Finding Yourself in Adulthood

This blog is devoted to the idea that adulthood is not a destination. Growing up, I always thought adulthood was the final frontier—a place you arrived and suddenly everything made sense:  you knew what you wanted to do with your life, you knew what advice to give your kids, you knew which shoes looked right with that jacket. Turns out, it doesn’t work that way. Sure, you make progress and have those “Aha!” moments every so often. But growing up is all very incremental and you never really arrive anywhere. And that’s the point.

This blog is about what happens when you “find yourself in adulthood,” and some lessons I’ve learned along the way. I hope that it enlightens, inspires, and resonates. But most of all, I really do hope that you laugh.


Guilty Pleasures of Adulthood: The Joys of Re-Reading
OK, admit it. You probably didn't think I was going to end that sentence with...
Growing Up: Safety in Movement
Well, I'm back from Scotland, a place where they really do say "wee" for "little"...
Friday Pix: Recommended Reading for the Weekend
Again this Friday, I'd like to direct you to a few things around the blogosphere...
A digital clapper board on a film set
DVD Commentaries: Why I Actually Loved "Love Actually"
I have a confession to make:  I love watching DVD commentaries. I know. Sometimes they...
Tips for Adulthood: Five Things Not To Do In Therapy
Every Wednesday I offer tips for adulthood. Last week, I posted about five reasons to...
Coping with the Death of a Parent: A Poem
Nothing drives home the fact of adulthood quite so clearly as the death of a...