Blog—Finding Yourself in Adulthood

This blog is devoted to the idea that adulthood is not a destination. Growing up, I always thought adulthood was the final frontier—a place you arrived and suddenly everything made sense:  you knew what you wanted to do with your life, you knew what advice to give your kids, you knew which shoes looked right with that jacket. Turns out, it doesn’t work that way. Sure, you make progress and have those “Aha!” moments every so often. But growing up is all very incremental and you never really arrive anywhere. And that’s the point.

This blog is about what happens when you “find yourself in adulthood,” and some lessons I’ve learned along the way. I hope that it enlightens, inspires, and resonates. But most of all, I really do hope that you laugh.


Is Public Radio Too Middle Aged?
Public radio has hit hard times in the United States. According to recent accounts in...
Playing Marriage Counselor to Your Ex
Not so long ago, I got an email from an old boyfriend. His marriage was...
Mental Escapes: Take a Journey to Middle Earth
My family went through a crisis recently. And I noticed that it affected each family...
Dress for Success: Wear a Burka
My husband got an email from his boss the other morning. It said that the...
Never Too Old to Protest?: What the G20 Riots Tell us about Aging
I was intrigued by a recent article analyzing the diminishing preponderance of street protests in...
Tips for Adulthood: 5 Household Items You Can't Do Without
In last week's tip list, I posted about 5 Household Items You Can Do Without....