
Why the Bill and Melinda Gates Divorce is Troubling
Back in what now seems a lifetime ago, before kids and mortgages and global pandemics...
Sell By Date
Should Marriage Have a Sell-By Date?
In the months leading up to our wedding some 20 years ago, my husband and...
sandy ring
Tips for Adulthood: Five Tips For Staying Monogamous
I have a friend who is thinking about having an affair. He loves his wife, and...
The Secret Language of Long Term Marriages
I once read an article about the underlying codes governing long-term relationships that really struck...
Tips For Adulthood: Five Ways To Improve A Long Term Relationship
On occasional Wednesdays I offer tips for adulthood. This week’s post goes to the heart...
The Private Language Of Marriage
I read an article in the International Herald Tribune last Friday that really struck a...