How Older Voters Can Help Younger Voters

older voters help younger votersAs someone who blogs about the journey of adulthood, peers often ask me how to find meaning fin the second half of life. “Volunteer,” I tell them. “It’s good for your mental and physical health.” Volunteering also helps you to tap into a greater sense of purpose beyond yourself.

One volunteering initiative that’s really called my name of late is  Senior to Senior. This project connects senior citizens in America with seniors (final year students) in High School to help them register to vote. Whether through personal letters, videos, or face-to-face engagement, long-time voters share stories to inspire and motivate young people to register to vote and begin a lifetime of civic engagement.

Read the rest of this blog over on the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing blog

Image: Photo by Arnaud Jaegers on Unsplash

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